Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jensen and his freind Ivan needed some free sensory time without being told "no". What better way to do that then to get REALLY messy with pudding. Mandy, our neighbor, made some pudding and let the boys go at it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

These last two weeks have been full of antibiotics and Nyquil. Its cold season and sadly kids are especially prone to it. Both Lily and Jensen have had ear infections and bad coughs. Am I unsensitive and unfeeling if I feel bad giving nightime cough medicine to Lily, to help her sleep, but approach drugging Jensen with some sort of deranged excitement? Anyway the saddest part of being sick was not being able to go to Utah to vist my brand new nephew Lucas, Bryce's boy. Once we get better that cutie better be ready to be held!

Jensen put on his shirt all by himself!
(same PJ's -different night)
Shots of Jensen sleeping. Butt in the air, under the bed, he dumped out drawers and over turned boxes of clothes- than stuffed both his legs into one PJ pant leg. You know the usual.
I DID THIS! The massive goosebump on his head is from me opening the door in his face. Opps:)

Lily started rolling. She rolled herself right under the couch.
She also is very good at pulling hair and looking innocent at the same.
Hanging out with Dad while he plays our favorite Wii game Lego Star Wars. They don't look alike at all do they.

This video is some of the fun we have at the house. Jensen just loves getting whapped in the face with pillow or other soft objects(no seriously, he brings stuff to us so we can throw things at him). Sometimes its used for a little......discipline.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

So I realized how badly I have been neglecting putting up pictures of Lily. She is known in the ward as smiley baby She smiles big and often at most anyone who smiles at her. She is so cute. Here are some pictures of her in a beautiful dress we took her in to go to the Rexburg Open House.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Hi my name is Jensen. I am a big boy. I even sleep in a big boy bed( I may cry and bang on my door for a while, but eventually I fall asleep in my bed) . My mom needs my help SO much. She can't do ANY of the chores without my help.

I oversee all the cooking from up here. She needs me to tell her when something looks tasty or not. This bread was definently better because of my supervision.

I helped mom get all the spots she missed cleaning the oven.
When I saw mom was sweeping I helped by dumping the entire box of Cheese Nips on the floor, than grinding it into the carpet, so we could mop it all up.

I know how long it takes mom to do the laundry, because the machines are so far away. So my friend Ivan and I put all of the detergent in my bus. Ready to Go!

I know my mom would be lost without my help and definently wouldn't finish her chores NEARLY as fast if it weren't for my help. Your welcome mom :)