Happy Easter!
Jensen and I just got back home to Idaho. We had a fun trip and got to see lots of family. We feel really blessed to live within driving distance (even though Jensen probably has a different definition of what "driving distance" is).

We went to a egg hunt with Dave's sister Marybeth and her kids. It was crazy!

Jensen seemed confused most of the time. He was way more interested in the plastic eggs than the candy inside.

But cutie Wyatt and Hailey knew what was in those eggs, and they had fun.
We met up with my fam at Cabellas and watched the fish in the aquarium. Sam and Jensen seemed more facinated with each other than the fish.

Jensen on Grandma looking at the fish.

We had Easter dinner at Bryce and Marcia's. Gandma and Grandpa Hogan came down for lots of ham and too much turkey.

It's so much fun to go to Bryce and Marcia's house now. They have lots of room, and all the walls are painted nice, and they have a sandbox. How can you beat that!

One of the highlights of the trip was hanging out with big bad Marine Don. He looks good from his boot camp slim down and he was really positive and fun to have around.
Jensen and I are back in Idaho, and Dave is off on his internship. We wont see him for five weeks! He is driving to his first drill site tommorow after a week of training in Colorado. He will be 20 miles outside of tiny Wamsutter Wyoming. I will miss him horribly, but he will get good experience, and learn lots. Keep him in your prayer- us too!